In the early 1970's, the Lehigh Valley Railroad operated a colorful fleet of diesel power that included locomotives from Baldwin, Alco, the Electro-Motive Division of General Motors (EMD), and General Electric (GE). One of the LV's biggest fans was the late William Ashley Cooper (1944-2003) of Allentown, PA. A draftsman for Mack Trucks, Bill made frequent visits to the huge Allentown Yard and surrounding facilities to film the action with a high-quality Super 8mm movie camera. Bill also followed numerous trains along the scenic LV main line to record many memorable action sequences. Volume I of William Ashley Cooper's Railfan Adventures in the Lehigh Valley includes coverage of Allentown Yard and the nearby Bethlehem engine terminal, several exciting chases featuring LV GP38-2's 313, 320, and LV Alco C420 414. Many other classes of power, including a Baldwin switcher and the huge Alco C628's, are also presented. A Special Bonus Section offers full color scenes of the 1948 Allentown Fair. 40 MINUTES * FULL COLORMAPS AND GRAPHICS * SYNCHRONIZED SOUND PRODUCED BY MARC S. BALKIN